Immunity Blood Test
Carried Out At Your Home By A Qualified Clinician

£ 165.99

Get your Blood Test carried out at home by a qualified clinician. If you suffer from any mobility problems or preffer not to travel we are happy to visit you to make your experience more convenient. This blood test has been compiled to look at your immune system defence and if there is any virus of infection indicators present.

  • 32 tests included

  • Venous blood sample

  • 1 days turnaround

Immunity Blood Test

What this test measures
Read more about the health markers we check in this blood test

Full Blood Count (with 5 part White Cell Differential)

Clotting Status

Red Blood Cells

White Blood Cells

Inflammation Markers

C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) Learn More

The level of C-reactive protein (CRP) increases when there's inflammation in your body. A simple blood test can be done to check your C-reactive protein level. A high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) test is more sensitive than a standard CRP test. Systemic inflammation from conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or other autoimmune conditions.

Liver Function

ALP Learn More

The level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood is checked through the ALP test, which is often part of routine blood tests. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found mainly in the liver and bones. The levels of this enzyme in the blood is dependent on several factors such as age, sex and blood type. Elevated levels of ALP in the blood could indicate issues relating to the liver, gall bladder or bones. As ALP is non specific, ALP is normally checked in addition to other liver function tests to determine whether the damage has occurred to the liver or the bones. Blood levels of ALP also increase two to four times during pregnancy and in growing teenagers.

ALT Learn More

Alanine transferase (ALT) is an enzyme that is produced by the liver. Elevated ALT can be indicative of inflammation of the liver characteristic of liver damage which may be caused by drugs, alcohol or viruses (hepatitis). High intensity exercise can also result in elevated levels of ALT.

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) Learn More

AST is an enzyme your liver makes. Other organs, like your heart, kidneys, brain, and muscles, also make smaller amounts. AST is also called SGOT (serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase).

Normally, AST levels in your blood are low. When your liver is damaged, it puts more AST into your blood, and your levels rise.

A high AST level is a sign of liver damage, but it can also mean you have damage to another organ that makes it, like your heart or kidneys.

Gamma GT Learn More

Gamma GT is an enzyme found within the liver and is typically raised following diseases affecting this tissue or the bile ducts. Elevated ALP on its own cannot distinguish between liver or bone damage, however, when this value is combined with an elevated levels of gamma GT it is indicative of liver disease. Gamma GT can also be used to diagnose alcohol abuse as it is typically raised in the majority of long term drinkers.

Bilirubin Learn More

Bilirubin is a yellow compound that is produced during the break down of haemoglobin. This is a necessary process in the body's clearance of waste products that arise from the destruction of aged or abnormal red blood cells. Bilirubin is removed from the body via the liver and excreted in bile and urine. The accumulation of bilirubin can result in jaundice which involves the yellowing discoloration of the whites of the eyes in addition to the skin. Elevated levels may indicate the livers inability to remove it from the blood and therefore can be a sign of liver damage. Certain diseases such as Gilberts syndrome or a blocked bile duct can also result in elevated levels of bilirubin.

Globulin Learn More

A globulin blood test measures the levels of a group of proteins called globulins in blood serum. The serum is the liquid part of blood. The medical term for this test is globulin electrophoresis. Globulin blood tests are to measure protein levels in your blood. Your liver makes globulin, a protein. High levels may indicate autoimmune disease, infections or cancer. A low globulin reading may be a sign of liver or kidney disease.

Total Protein Learn More

The total protein test measures the total amount of two classes of proteins found in the fluid portion of your blood. These are albumin and globulin. Proteins are important parts of all cells and tissues. Albumin helps prevent fluid from leaking out of blood vessels. It also carries chemicals in your blood. Proteins are important for the health and growth of the body's cells and tissues. The test can help diagnose a number of health conditions, including: kidney disease.

Albumin Learn More

An albumin blood test checks the amount of albumin in your blood. Albumin is a protein in your blood plasma. Your liver makes albumin. Albumin keeps fluid from leaking out of your bloodstream. It also helps vitamins, enzymes, hormones and other substances circulate throughout your body. Your healthcare provider might order an albumin blood test if they think your liver or kidneys aren't working as they should.


Vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) Learn More

The 25-hydroxy vitamin D test is the most accurate way to measure how much vitamin D is in your body. Vitamin D helps control calcium and phosphate levels in the body. Blood is drawn from a vein (venipuncture), usually from the inside of the elbow or the back of the hand.

Folate - Serum Learn More

Folate is an important nutrient for making normal red blood cells and for repairing cells and nerve tissue in the body. Along with vitamin B12, it is tested to check whether you have enough of these vitamins in the blood. A folate test measures the amount of folate in the blood. Folate is one of many B vitamins. The body needs folate for normal growth and to make red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), and platelets. Folate also is important for the normal development of a baby (fetus).

Iron Status

Iron Learn More

Measuring the amount of iron present in the blood is important in the diagnosis of conditions such as iron deficiency anaemia caused by a lack of iron to haemochromatosis which is caused by an overload of iron. Common symptoms of both elevated and reduced levels of iron include; muscle weakness, difficulty concentrating and fatigue. Other causes of reduced iron besides anaemia can be due to general blood loss. In contrast, a raised result can be indicative of an iron overload syndrome which may be the result of an inherited condition that results in the body storing too much iron, or the excessive consumption of iron supplements.

T.I.B.C Learn More

A total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) test measures the blood's ability to attach itself to iron and transport it around the body. Individuals with iron deficiency will have low levels of iron but a raised TIBC. In comparison, those that have possess too much iron, for instance, in patients with iron overload syndrome, iron will be elevated but TIBC will be reduced or normal.

Transferrin Saturation Learn More

Transferrin is produced by the liver and is a major protein that regulates the absorption and transportation of iron into and throughout the blood and body respectively. High levels of transferrin saturation are indicative of iron overload whilst low levels may coincide with iron deficiency.

Ferritin Learn More

Ferritin is a blood protein that contains iron. A ferritin test helps your doctor understand how much iron your body stores. If a ferritin test reveals that your blood ferritin level is lower than normal, it indicates your body's iron stores are low and you have iron deficiency. As a result, you could be anemic. Serum ferritin level; Iron deficiency anemia - ferritin. The ferritin blood test measures the level of ferritin in the blood. Ferritin is a protein inside your cells that stores iron. It allows your body to use the iron when it needs it. A ferritin test indirectly measures the amount of iron in your blood.


Zinc - Serum Learn More

Serum zinc test is used to measure the amount of zinc in your blood. Zinc is one of an essential trace element required by the body. Zinc in the human body helps in maintaining a healthy immune system, production of cells, wound healing, growth and development in children, sexual development and reproduction. The zinc blood test is used to monitor exposure to zinc, evaluate suspected nutritional inadequacy, cases of diabetes or delayed wound healing; growth retardation; or to follow therapies like oral zinc therapy used in Wilson's disease.

Magnesium - Serum Learn More

A magnesium blood test measures the amount of magnesium in your blood. Magnesium is a type of electrolyte. Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that are responsible for many important functions and processes in your body. Your body needs magnesium to help your muscles, nerves, and heart work properly. A magnesium test is used to measure the level of magnesium in the blood (or sometimes urine). Abnormal levels of magnesium are most frequently seen in conditions or diseases that cause impaired or excessive excretion of magnesium by the kidneys or that cause impaired absorption in the intestines.

About this test and how it can help you

If your iron and vitamin D levels are low, you might be feeling fatigued and depressed. Iron, an essential part of the hemoglobin molecule, helps transport oxygen to your cells. It also plays a role in preventing anemia. The health of your bones, muscles and immune function rely on adequate vitamin D levels.

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein made by the liver. The level of CRP increases when there's inflammation in the body that could be due to infection or a virus. A simple blood test can check your C-reactive protein level.

Your white blood count measures the number of white cells in your blood. White blood cells are part of the immune system. They help your body fight off infections and other diseases.

Antibodies are detected in the blood of people who have been previously infected with or vaccinated against a virus that causes a disease; they show the body's efforts (past infection) or preparedness (past infection or vaccination) to fight off a specific virus.

How it works when we send a Clinician to your home

Place Your Order

Schedule a home nurse visit for your venous blood sample.

Perform Your Blood Test

Our certified Healthcare Team member will come to your home for the collection.

View Results

Received the results within 24-48 hours.

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